Stinging Pests
Get the Janus Advantage Over bees, wasps & yellow jackets
The removal of stinging pests should be considered whenever people or pets are at risk. Bees, wasps, and yellow jackets may sting without provocation.
Risk Assessment
Not to overemphasize hazard, but here are a few tips to be mindful of: Nearly 2% of people are reportedly highly allergic–having a serious reaction (anaphylaxis) that requires emergency treatment. Some stinging pests can sense a threat from people, animals, or machinery, 50–100 feet away from their hive, reported by Africanized honeybees. Some species (yellow jackets) may also react to disturbances faster than others and in greater numbers—No Bueno!
Bothered by Stinging Pests?
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Yellowjackets and other stinging insects are attracted to sweet-smelling fragrances. If spending long periods of time outdoors, avoid excessive use of perfume or cologne. When possible, also choose unscented shampoos, soaps, lotions, and sunscreen.