Spider Control

Spider Control
Get the Janus Advantage Over Spiders
There are several varieties of spiders that are found in and around structures. A few of the more common spiders we see indoors include the American house spider, cellar, and wolf spider. Depending on the season, brown widow, black widow, and orb-weaver spiders are frequently spotted outdoors–typically living around shrubbery, patio furniture, and roof eaves.
Mind the Gap
Spiders may enter structures through cracks, gaps, and other small openings around the foundation, utility chases, and ill-fitting door and window screens. They can just as easily be brought inside with firewood, plants, and parcel deliveries left right outside on your doorstep.
Bothered by Spiders?
Keep Spiders Away—Call the Pros at Janus Pest Management Today!
ProTip: Spider Proofing
More Info
Help prevent pest incursion with these tips:
- Seal cracks and other openings leading into the home, including entry points for utilities and pipes.
- Inspect items brought inside from outside.
- Remove spider webs from eaves, doorways, and windows.
- Keep tree branches well-trimmed, trim shrubbery at least 2 feet away from the house.
- Convert to warm-colored LED outdoor lighting.
- Store garbage in sealed containers and dispose of it regularly.
- Replace weather-stripping and repair loose mortar around basement foundation and windows.
- Store firewood at least 20 feet away from the house and five inches off the ground.
Here to help
If needed, our team at Janus Pest Management can assist you with pest exclusion repairs and other necessary work to get rid of spiders and other pests for your home or business.
Head Office
138 S Valencia St. Ste F Glendora, Ca 91741
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(888) 526-8744