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Treatment strategies may vary depending on pest species.
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Occasional Invaders
Get the Janus Advantage Over Pests
The name sounds menacing, but it aptly describes the lesser-seen garden variety of sporadic household pests like earwigs, stinkbugs, and crickets that occasionally invade homes from time to time. Just the same, we have treatment solutions ready and waiting—let’s do this!
Okay, Why?
Occasional invaders are active year-round and spend the majority of their time outdoors. As temperatures drop and seasonal rains return, some pests seek shelter by overwintering within homes and other structures. Homeowners tend to take notice ever more frequently, starting in autumn.
Bothered by Occasional Invaders?
Keep Pests Away—Call the Pros at Janus Pest Management Today!
• Ants
• Crickets
• Centipedes
• Millipedes
• Slugs
• Snails
• Earwigs
• Stinkbugs
• Silverfish
• Scorpions
• Springtails
• Boxelder bugs
Many pest incursions can be minimized with a little DIY-integrated pest management (IPM) notably, pest exclusion and habitat modification. Examples: • Seal and close off any cracks or holes to eliminate outside entry • Eliminate excess moisture • Reduce yard clutter • Cull ripe garden-fall • Use LED outdoor lighting • Trim tree branches and shrubbery away from the house • Sweep down all cobwebs • Install roof and dryer vent guards
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Some outdoor lighting can attract insects more than others. The incandescent light bulb has the highest level of attraction–followed by compact fluorescent, halogen, LED cool-color, and finally, LED warm-color having the lowest overall pest attraction rating.