Spider Control
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There are several varieties of spiders that are found in and around structures. A few of the more common spiders we see indoors include the American house spider, cellar, and wolf spider. Depending on the season, brown widow, black widow, and orb-weaver spiders are frequently spotted outdoors–typically living around shrubbery, patio furniture, and roof eaves.
Mind the Gap
Spiders may enter structures through cracks, gaps, and other small openings around the foundation, utility chases, and ill-fitting door and window screens. They can also be carried inside with firewood, plants, and parcel deliveries left outside on the doorstep.
Bothered by Spiders?
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Spider proofing:
- Seal cracks and other openings leading into the home.
- Inspect items brought inside from outside.
- Remove spider webs from eaves, doorways, and windows.
- Trim shrubbery at least 2 feet away from the house.
- Convert to warm-colored LED outdoor lighting.