Maintenance Schedule Estimator

 Monthly | EOM | Quarterly | Annual | Bi-Annual –Select the best fit with our Pest/Maintenance Match Tool. 

Match target pest with service frequency

Use this tool to match the target pest with the suggested service frequency.

  1. Service frequency is generally greater than what is typically needed to maintain the specified pest issue. Example: ( 10 > 5 )
  2. Service frequency is generally less than what is typically needed to maintain the specified pest issue.  Example: ( 5 < 10 )
  3. Service frequency is generally equal to what is typically needed to maintain the specified pest issue. Example: ( 10 = 10 )
  4. ≥ Service frequency is generally greater than or equal to what is typically needed to maintain the specified pest issue.
  5. ≤ Service frequency is generally less than or equal to what is typically needed to maintain the specified pest issue.
Monthly: MTH
Every-Other-Month: EOM
Quarterly: QTLY
Semi-Annual: S/A
Annual: ANNU

This is an estimation tool only—no warranties are implied.
*Pest species, seasonal conditions, and pest pressure may affect treatment intervals to reach a subjective target pest threshold level.

Consult your Pest Management Profesional (PMP) for specific service recommendations for your area.

MTH > Argentine ants MTH > Cockroaches MTH = Mosquitos MTH Rats/mice MTH > Crickets
MTH > House spiders MTH Gophers MTH = BK widow spider MTH > Stink bugs MTH > Paper wasps

Best for controlling returning summertime pests & pest device maintenance: rodent, mosquito, other

EOM Argentine ants EOM Cockroaches EOM Mosquitos EOM Rats/mice EOM > Crickets
EOM House spiders EOM Gophers EOM BK widow spider EOM > Stink bugs EOM > Paper wasps

Best for broad-spectrum coverage

QTLY = Argentine ants QTLY = Cockroaches QTLY < Mosquitos QTLY Rats/mice QTLY = Crickets
QTLY = House spiders QTLY < Gophers QTLY < BK widow spiders QTLY  Stink bugs QTLY = Paper wasps

Maintenance Services low as $35.00/mo.

Best for all-season coverage

S/A  Argentine ants S/A  Cockroaches S/A < Mosquitos S/A < Rats/mice  S/A  Crickets
S/A < House spiders S/A < Gophers S/A < BK widow spiders S/A = Stink bugs S/A  Paper wasps

Seasonal tune-up for Argentine ants and occasional invaders (low pest pressures)

Kind of our Milgauss — some folks love it.

ANNU < Argentine ants ANNU < Cockroaches ANNU < Mosquitos  ANNU < Rats/mice ANNU < Crickets 
ANNU < House spiders ANNU < Gophers  ANNU < BK widow spiders  ANNU  Stink bugs ANNU < Paper wasps

Seasonal tune-up for Argentine ants  & occasional invaders (low pest pressures) — schedule spring to mid-summer for optimum benefit

Targeted Solutions get rid of Ants

Ant treatment strategies may vary depending on ant species.

Call now for more information.

Ant Control

Get the Janus Advantage Over Ants

The most common pest species reported in and around homes and yards locally is the Argentine ant. Often in significant numbers, they form sizable trails that follow pheromone scented waypoints laid down by scouts that lead to new food caches. Although they prefer to nest outdoors, they do enter indoors searching for food and water.


We have targeted treatment solutions to get rid of Argentine ants and other common ant species, including the wood-destroying Carpenter ant (image, left)—see other common local ants listed below.

Bothered by Ants?

Keep Ants Away—Call the Pros at Janus Pest Management Today!

• Argentine ant

• Carpenter ants

• Red imported fire ant

• Southern fire ant

• Odorous house ant

• Harvester ant

• Pharaoh ant

• Thief ants


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Pet food storage: Ants adapt to conditions and prefer to avoid the rain. So if you wish to ward off having ant trails marching through your home this winter, consider placing your pets’ dry food and treats into sealed plastic containers—stainless steel containers if rats and mice are a concern. Those paper bags they come in? Defenseless.